Thursday, July 30, 2015

Write a function which does zig-zag traverse of binary tree and prints out nodes.

All the header files which are needed
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
Brings all the named entities from std namespace into current declarative region
using namespace std;
This is the node structure we use to store the values and form the binary tree. For the simplicity, we use int data type to store the node data.
struct node {
  int val;
  struct node *left;
  struct node *right;

It prints the vector contents for debug purpose.
void printVector(vector<node *> list)
  for (vector<node *>::const_iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i)
    if (NULL != *i)
      cout << "[" << (*i)->val << "] -> ";
      cout << "[EMPTY] -> ";
  cout << "NULL" << endl;

The input vector has all the nodes of a certain level (or depth) in the given tree, stored from left to right. This function is capable of printing either in the same order as the vector is created or in reverse order.
void printLevels(vector<node *>& level, int count, int forward)
  if (1 == forward) { // Print vector as it is
    for(vector<node *>::iterator it = level.begin(); it != level.end(); ++it) {
      if (*it)
        cout << (*it)->val << " ";
        cout << "- "; // Empty Node
  } else { // Print vector in reverse order
    for(vector<node *>::reverse_iterator it = level.rbegin(); it != level.rend(); ++it) {
      if (*it)
        cout << (*it)->val << " ";
        cout << "- "; // Empty Node
  cout << endl;
The main function to trave level by level.
void traverse(node *binaryTree, bool ziczac)
  string zz = ziczac? "True":"False";
  cout << "ZicZac: [" << zz << "]" << endl;
  int count = 1;             // Initial count for the ROOT node (Level 1)
  int countNext = 0;         // Node count in the Next Level
  int forward = 1;           // Decides how to print the list
  vector<node *> nodeList;   // Store nodes level-by-level
  node *tmp = NULL;          // Store the node pointer temporarily 

  // Push the ROOT
  while (0 != count) {
    // Print the nodes from the current level
    printLevels(nodeList, count, forward);
    // Iterate the nodes from current level and get the nodes from
    // the next level
    countNext = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<count;){
      tmp = nodeList.front();

      // Remove the node which is getting processed

      // Node is NULL. Don't count the NULL nodes
      if (NULL == tmp) {
      } else {
        // Check the left child node
        if (tmp->left) {
          // Push it to the list
        } else {
        // Check the right child node
        if (tmp->right) {
          // Push it to the list
        } else {

    // update the current with the level count from the next level
    count = countNext;
    if (true == ziczac) {
      // Toggle the way the level is getting printed
      forward = (forward ^ 0x1) & 0x1;
Read the file with the following format,
('|' is the delimitor)
   4|5| |7
   8|9|0|1| | |2|3

and create the binary tree
node *createBinaryTreeFromFile(string filename)
  node *binaryTree = NULL;
  vector<node *> nodeList;
  vector<node *> childNodeList;
  vector<string> stringList;
  string line;
  try {

    // Open the given file
    ifstream inFile (filename);

    while ( getline (inFile, line) )
      // First Line => ROOT node
      if (NULL == binaryTree) {
        binaryTree = new node;
        binaryTree->val = stoi(line);
        binaryTree->right = NULL;
        binaryTree->left = NULL;
      } else {
        string::size_type prev_pos = 0, pos = 0;
        // Split the line with '|' delimitor 
        while( (pos = line.find('|', pos)) != string::npos )
          std::string substring( line.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) );
          prev_pos = ++pos;
        string substring( line.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) ); // Last word

        // Create the binary tree here (level by level)
        vector<string>::iterator itStringList = stringList.begin();
        while (!nodeList.empty()) {
          if (itStringList >= stringList.end())

          if (NULL == *(nodeList.begin())) {
            itStringList = itStringList + 2;
          } else {
            // Left Node
              int val = stoi(*itStringList);
              node *tmp = new node;
              tmp->val = val;
              tmp->left = NULL;
              tmp->right = NULL;
              (*(nodeList.begin()))->left = tmp;
            } catch (const invalid_argument& ia) {
              cerr << "Invalid argument: " << ia.what() << '\n';

            // Right Node
              int val = stoi(*itStringList);
              node *tmp = new node;
              tmp->val = val;
              tmp->left = NULL;
              tmp->right = NULL;
              (*(nodeList.begin()))->right = tmp;
            } catch (const invalid_argument& ia) {
              cerr << "Invalid argument: " << ia.what() << '\n';
          // Remove the node which is getting processed
  } catch (ifstream::failure e) {
    cerr << e.what() << endl;

  // Print the tree
  traverse(binaryTree, false);
  return binaryTree;
Everything starts from here,

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  node *binaryTree = createBinaryTreeFromFile(argv[1]);
  traverse(binaryTree, true);
  return 0;

Monday, July 6, 2015

Bash - Few shortcuts to make our life easier

Navigate the cursor inside the current command statement
Ctrl + a - Start of the command
Ctrl + e - End of the command
Ctrl + f - Move to the next character
Ctrl + b - Move to the previous character
Alt + right_arrow - End of the current word or the next word
Alt + left_arrow - Start of the current word or the previous word
Ctrl + k - Delete from current cursor position to the end of the command
Ctrl + u - Delete from current cursor position to the start of the command
Ctrl + w - Delete one word before the cursor
Ctrl + h - Delete one character before the cursor (Backspace)
Ctrl + d - Delete the current character under the cursor
Search History
Ctrl + r - Find the command with the phrase you type.It searches the
history as you type. For each consecutive hit "Ctrl + r", it finds the
next match in the history and moves to the start of the history.
!! - Repeat the last command
!xyz - Find the latest command starting with xyz from the history and run it
!xyz:p - Print the latest command starting with xyz from the history
!$ - Last argument of previous command
!* - All arguments of previous command
^abc^def - Replace abc with def in the previous command and run it
$$ - Gets the pid of the current bash/script
$! - Pid of the last background process
$? - Exit status of the last command